
March 2, 2013

Plant a windowsill garden

by Debra Anchors

Image courtesy of
University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
With containers of herbs on your windowsill, you can enjoy gardening even on the wintriest days.  A pot of green onions and companion pots of garlic and chives will yield tasty stalks for snipping into salads and onto baked potatoes.  You will need a dozen onion sets, one or two heads of garlic, a packet of chive seeds, a couple of 8-inch pots with drainage holes, and some potting soil.

Plant and place your pots on a sunny sill.  Begin snipping when the plants are three to four inches tall.

Note:  Supermarket onions and garlic may have been treated to retard sprouting, so try your local nursery or garden center for the items you would like to grow.

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  1. Ahhh...the anticipation builds...having those little green, growing plants indoors during the bitterest of winter days...a constant reminder of the joys, beauty and bounty to come once spring emerges. Excellent diversion from these cold snowy days to delightful visions of emerging plants & lush gardens!! Thank you!

    1. Hi,Cindy. Thank you for stopping in to say hello! -Debra


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