
October 21, 2012

Create a scarecrow

- by Debra Anchors

Express your style with a scarecrow

With the autumn season upon us, I decided to focus on the scarecrow, a familiar symbol of the fall harvest. Have you ever considered the creative style of the person who created your favorite scarecrow? What is your creative style? Traditional? Ghoulish? 

I hope you will enjoy a few of my favorites – which of these do you prefer?

Curated from It's Just Dottie

Curaated from New Jersey News

Curated from Pokoroto

Curated from Johnson Brothers Greenhouses

Curated from allybeag

Curated from Flickr

Curated from Emma Bond

If you enjoy this website, you might like my magazine, Gardening Life.

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  1. Those were some awesome scarecrows! Also love your magazines, lot of great ideas!

    1. Hello, Debbie. Many thanks for dropping in. Also, thank you for the very kind compliment about my magazines. I am so happy you are enjoying them!


  2. Very cute, and timely activity for those on the East Coast without power :)

    1. Hello Sue. Happy to see you made it through the storm! What a great idea! Tweet me out, would you? -Debra

  3. These are great. Here is my scarecrow.

  4. I love the pumpkin butt!! can you please give me a quick note on how to make this scarecrow?? thanks!!

    1. Hi there! I agree - such a clever idea for a scarecrow. I wish I could outline its construction for you, but I posted it as one of my favorites (and did not create it myself).

      Maybe we could all brainstorm together. I would try using PVC for legs, weighted down with a bag of sand inside the base of each pipe. I think the pumpkins would balance well on those, once a PVC "groove" is carved into the pumpkins, Bubble wrap, wrapped around the PVC, could be used to fill-out the legs.

      Now, what to do for the body? How about it, my creative readers? How would you create the "pumpkin-butt scarecrow"?


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