
October 3, 2012

Autumn in Michigan USA

- by Debra Anchors

This is the view just 3 miles from my home. It is the beautiful covered bridge, surrounded in the colors of fall, still in use over the slowly meandering river in one of our local parks. Yes, I am blessed this time of year to live in an area that celebrates four very distinct seasons, and autumn is one of our most beautiful. The stunning, changing colors of this season are worth waiting for.

It is cool outside, not yet cold, and the palette of colors painting our trees is gorgeous. I love the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze. Once they drop from the trees and blanket the ground, we stroll through the brittle leaves now painted in rust, orange, gold and red; we can hear a crunch beneath our shoes. Of course we must rake them up sooner or later, but then the fallen leaves will become beautiful piles for our children to jump into.

The season of autumn is beautiful while it lasts. A rest will arrive soon from the physical labor of the garden.  It is time for fall decorations, sweaters, bon fires and marshmallows, pumpkin carving, and the mums and dahlias in full bloom. I love the fall season and the fragrance of apple cider, cinnamon, and cloves simmering on the stove.

What do you like most about autumn?

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  1. I like to take pics of places like the one you have. Inspiring. Gorgeous. And I so miss home right now. Such a beautiful area.

  2. Fallasburg covered bridge! It's beautiful every time of year!


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