
April 10, 2012

Predators in the garden - Beneficial insects

-by Debra Anchors

It’s easy to love butterflies, but do you dare attract other insects to your garden?  There are good reasons to create a backyard buffet for predatory bugs and insects that hunt for a living. Find ways to lure the tigers and barracudas of the insect world; they will prey upon many of the organisms that ravage your prized garden plants.

To discover their value to your gardens and ways to attract each of the predators shown below, please click on the text next to its picture.

Please note:   The images depicted in this article are not mine. I do my very best to either get permission to use photographs (with a link back to the owner), use public domain images, or my own pictures. If I have made an error and you are the owner of one of these images, please contact me to let me know which one so I can either credit you or, if you prefer, remove it.

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Leave a legacy, but garden like you’ll live forever! 

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  1. This was an awesome post, alot of things I didnt no. Also love your magazine...I recycle alot of stuff here and seen alot of good ideas! Thanks for adding my soda bottle article in.

  2. I love this post because it is important for people to realize that not all bugs are bad! @BG_Garden on Twitter!

  3. I always get leaf miners in my columbine. Grrr!! I wish a predator would show up to eat them.

  4. This was an awesome post, alot of things I didnt no. Also love your magazine...I recycle alot of stuff here and seen alot of good ideas! Thanks for adding my soda bottle article in.

    Connacht Gold Garden Centre

  5. This was very valuable information! I keep hoping I had more of these in the garden. Sometimes I move them to a problem area to help things along. :)

  6. Hi :D Cool insects I heard the "Praying Mantis" Is starting a garden cult ;D The insects do their part & pull their weight WoW
    Kula May :D


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