
February 21, 2012

Garden tasks to begin now

-by Debra Anchors

Waiting to begin the season of planting, potting, pinching, and all that fun stuff can make anyone sick with anticipation.  While thousands of people across the Country suffer from the flu, gardeners in cold winter zones experience a different sort of malaise during the long winter.  To avoid infection, keep busy by planning and preparing for the upcoming gardening season.  The colder months offer ample opportunity for analyzing what you like and don’t like about your garden.  It is also important to take the time to make sure your potting shed is fully stocked and ready for the first signs of spring and that your tools are in great shape and ready to use.

Take Inventory: 

√  Fertilizer
√  Soil-testing kit
√  Soil/fertilizer scoop
√  Labels
√  Soil amendments (peat moss,
    vermiculite, and perlite)
√  Permanent markers
√  Stakes
√  Potting soil
√  Wire, string, twist ties
√  Seed-starting supplies, soilless mix
√  Rooting hormone (make your own)
√  Seed flats
√  Hose
√  Clay or plastic pots and saucers in a
    range of sizes
√  Garden gear (boots, gloves, apron,
     knee pads, etc.)

Wintertime Tool Care:
  • Remove rust from metal parts with a sanding block
  • Lubricate fulcrums and joints on pruning tools
  • Sand wooden tool handles to eliminate splinters
  • Sharpen blades (file blade away from your body)
  • Overhaul major machinery (lawn mower, shredder, hedge trimmers, etc.)

Dream of spring and your garden:

Look for inspiration during this time of year. Do you like flea market garden style? Do you prefer a more formal garden? Traditional? Look around you; inspiration is everywhere!

Thank you for stopping by to spend time in my garden.  If you enjoyed this article, please let me know. I will be delighted if you would suggest Gardens Inspired to your friends, follow me or subscribe to my Blog.

Leave a legacy, but garden like you’ll live forever! 

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  1. With this warmer winter weather, I may be starting my garden chores much sooner this year. You have given me a good list to begin my planning.

  2. I have been visiting garden blogs early this morning and have begun to feel a bit blue while looking at pictures of blooming crocus and hellebores. Spring is still a good month and a half off here and what's a gardener to do? Maybe I should take a page from your book and get organized. You would be shocked to see the sorry state that I have let me garden tools fall into! They could use more than a little TLC!
    Your last post also reminded me to pick up some money plant seeds. My mom always grew them and the silver dollars are great to collect in late summer and enjoy all winter.

  3. Im with you about getting things ready even though we wont be able to plant outside until the end of may! I do have my garden window though and I have leaf lettuce growning along with all my plant cuttings, oregano, basil and a few new seeds I planted just for kicks ( a gardener has to do something or they go into withdrawal, lol ) Deb


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