
January 15, 2012

Time-lapse video of flowers as they bloom

- by Debra Anchors

I have been creating a photo gallery of my gardens; please take a peek by using the tab above.

In the meantime, as I continue to work on the photo gallery, I though you would enjoy viewing a video of flowers blooming.

If you enjoy this website, you might like my magazine, Gardening Life.

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Leave a legacy, but garden like you’ll live forever! 

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  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment, appreciate it. I signed on to get your blog in my email box. Love the Spring ticker. Going to check out your photos-they look interesting.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Bev and for your subscription, too. I hope you will continue to enjoy Gardens Inspired.

  2. I've been thinking of making such a timelapse video very often, but never did...
    I really should make time for it, your video is so beautiful!

    1. Hi Anne, thank you for complimenting the video; the person who created it did a wonderful job. I found it online. Thank you for visiting!

  3. Hi Debra,
    That video was spectacular! I never see or think about movement in flowers, except for what the wind causes. In fast motion like that, it almost looks like they are dancing.

  4. Thank you, Sue. Wouldn't it be fun to actually watch our flowers open? The motion and music caught the attention of our 3-year old grandson; he loved this video and asked to see it more than once. Thanks for coming over!

  5. Beautiful, just beautiful!
    and your Garden is lovely, the candy bridge is so cheerful and the glass totems so enchanting.
    Happy Gardening,

  6. Debra, I noticed your Baptisa in your garden. I planted some bare root this fall. Hope they look like yours this spring. Nice blog btw.

    1. Hello Greggo - thanks for stopping over. I'm certain your Baptisa will be beautiful; in my experience, more so during their second spring. If I may offer one little word of caution - be sure the site you have chosen is a permanent one. Baptisa is VERY difficult to move.

  7. Gorgeous...wonderful and magical!

  8. Debra, You did really inspire me... hope you visit my latest post :)

  9. NH, your latest post is wonderful, as always. Thank you again for the link back. Readers, click on 'NHGarden', just above to be taken directly to another wonderful read about gardens.

  10. Love the time lapse photography! Did you take that of your flowers?

    The "photo" that you liked was actually my painting of a pink hibiscus in my garden. You can see more of my flower paintings at

    It's wonderful to meet another flower lover!

  11. Awesome. I used to have one of a cartoon farmer planting seeds. This reminds me of back when we had the camp on the pond, and heard the water lilies popping open during the night.

    1. Hello Dave - thanks for the mental image. What a beautiful memory!

  12. It is really nice picture and looking so great. Amezing and very beautiful flowers.


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