
January 7, 2012

Inspired thoughts of spring gardening

- by Debra Anchors

Like all gardeners in the frozen north, I spend the winter dreaming of the projects I will take on during the coming season. Ideas are written in the margins of catalogs and magazines and within a very quickly expanding file residing on Pinterest. A digital camera is almost always with me so that when I see a clever or beautiful idea to adapt to my garden, I capture a photograph of it.

As I go through my photographs, I thought I would share a few things inspiring my mood and thoughts of spring these days. How do you get your inspiration?

Flowerpot resting place
Flowerpot resting place
Photography – Debra Anchors

DIY Garden Screens

DIY Garden Screens
Photography – Debra Anchors

Moss Maiden
Moss Maiden
“I'm Too Sexy for my Jeans” 
by Plantiluer L'univers 
Image sourced while visiting BBB Seed Heirloom Vegetable & Wildflower Seeds 

Denim Planters
Denim Planters
“Jean-etically Modified Plants” 

I found this fabulous inspiration while viewing Altum's Horticultural Center & Landscape located in Zionsville, Indiana.

Although there weren't instructions for constructing these bodacious beauties, I would place a kitchen size garbage bag inside each leg and then fill each with something that could follow the line of the jeans but also be heavy enough to hold the planter in place. I would then use another kitchen garbage bag for the seat of the jeans, filled with a quality garden soil. 

Or, I might thread some rope through the belt loops of the jeans and then attach them to something sturdy, such as a fence.  I could then use bubble wrap or crumpled plastic grocery bags to shape the legs.

What do you think?  How would you make one of the denim planters?

Thank you for stopping by and spending a little time with me. If you enjoyed this article, please post a comment so I will know. I will be delighted if you would suggest Gardens Inspired to your friends, follow me or subscribe to my Blog.

Garden like you'll live forever!


  1. Debra, these are all fabulous! I dont think Id actually make a denim planter for myself, but could so see this in Barbie's garden! Thanks for the ongoing inspiration!!

  2. Such a whimsical eye catcher! These would provoke a delightful giggle for sure!

    To make them, I would consider constructing a PVC & wood block armature for rigidity then fill with a substance along the lines of shipping peanuts. Then either use the PVC pipe as the planter or secure plastic pots to the armature.

    Look forward to see what other creative ideas others suggest! Such an inspiring site!

  3. Very funny! Inspiration is all around - even in the most unlikely places - like a pair of jeans!

  4. I peruse gardening magazines and other blogs for inspiration. I also just let my wacky mind wander and try to come up with creative solutions to garden problems, even if the problem is just an empty space I want to fill. If I could guarantee the denim planters would irritate my HOA, I'd figure out how to make one tonight! :o)

  5. Rest in Pieces is a sign that I need!

    Debra, Your caption has been selected and shall be posted tomorrow.

  6. Thank you, 'One'. And, I see you are a Sagittarius, too!

    Casa Mariposa - I'm sorry but I'm not understanding "HOA" - would you please tell me what that stands for?

  7. What cute denim planters! But I'm in love with the Moss Maiden! That is a piece of art!

  8. Intriguing photos. Pinterest is a fun site. I am not a member but I look through the postings whenever one of my photos are pinned.

  9. That's a whole new take on "does my bum look big"! :D

  10. Thank you for stopping by!

    Carolyn, Pinterest is a nice site - I posted these photographs there.

    Patricia, that's a funny thought.

  11. I love Rest in Pieces! That's perfect. And the HOA referred to above is Home Owner's Association. I like you're blog. I'll have to look into it more as my weather warms up later for good ideas on sprucing up my yard. It looks like you have some great ideas.

  12. Hi Charissa - welcome! Thank you for stopping by and also for answering my question - of course that's the answer! I have never worked with a HOA so the answer wasn't apparent to me.

    Gardens Inspired is a new blog; I have many plans for it. I need to set up a tab for photographs of my garden.

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog Debra, I have enjoyed exploring yours, especially your butterfly posts! Will keep in thouch.

  14. Just right now I wish I had just one of those pairs of jeans as my last pair is utterly threadbare. Like the collection of images. Strongly with you on the recycling with humour.

  15. Hi Debra, thanks for visiting my blog. Just thought I'd pop over and take a look at yours. Wow, those photos are really inspirational, love the denim jeans planters. Looking forward to your next post.

  16. Very cool, a must for me!

  17. I love the jeans...that is my favorite! great blog...I am a new follower!

    1. Thank you, Tootsie! I love them too. Please stop by often! -Debra

  18. I used pine cones that my squirrels had collected and stashed for a filler in the legs.
    Thanks for the idea.

    1. Very creative! Thanks for the tip! -Debra

  19. I LoVe your blue jean planters!!!! Been searching for ideas for jeans (in support of rare diseases, the denim support ribbons). I was diagnosed with hereditary spastic paraparesis (slowly going paralyzed from the waist down) & there is no cure or treatment currently. So this is a awesome way to show hope is in our genes & helps create awareness!! I would love to share your planters with the people at the global genes project, if you do not mind?!?

    1. Hello Allison - Share away! The blue jean planters are not my project, but is one I shared. Please be sure to give credit to Tom Ballinger (for BBB Seed Heirloom Vegetable & Wildflower Seeds) and not to me.

      I would love it if you would please share a link to my blog. Thank you for visiting!


  20. Thank you Debra! Will give them his information too!
    Thanks again :D

  21. I have a wooden window structure that my son built for me. These would look so great attached as though leaning out the window. I will , definitely, do this.

    1. Hello Blinda, thanks for stopping in!

      I'm so happy you enjoyed the post. If you can, please send a picture of your window when you have it done. I can hardly wait for Spring!


  22. Talk about recycling...keep up creating for us to enjoy - it is your God given gift!

  23. I think this is a wonderful idea that surely will make people smile. Stuffing the legs with straw may be a solution because it is mold or mildew will collect. Nailing the belt of the pants to planter boxes would be easiest to do.


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