
December 27, 2011

Our global gardening community

- by Debra Anchors

Giverny, France
When gardeners get together, something wonderful happens. Seeds and cuttings are swapped along with experience and advice. The community spirit for which neighborhood gardens are famous has found its way to another level. Our world has changed more in the past century than in the last thousand years. We live in a time when continents halfway around the globe are instantly within reach via telephone, television and the Internet – an exchange of ideas has never been faster or more inclusive.

One of my favorite places to gather with other gardeners around the world is through Blotanical, a gardening community website with links to thousands of gardening blogs around the world.  I love the English Country Garden style; Blotatnical connects me with gardeners in Europe and makes it easy to communicate and build a more personal relationship with others who share my passion.

While taking pleasure in the influence of lands beyond – whether it be formal French gardens, charming thatched roof forms in the UK or discovering Chinese garden design principles – the dawn of this new era is an ideal time to remember that we are all one big community with so much to share. We have many opportunities to reach out to our neighbors near and far by working on a community garden, swapping seeds with friends or sharing advice via chat through our favorite gardening forum. There are rich rewards to be gained from each other.

Thank you for stopping by and spending a little time with me. If you enjoyed this article, please post a comment so I will know. I will be delighted if you would suggest Gardens Inspired to your friends, follow me or subscribe to my Blog.

Leave a legacy, but garden like you’ll live forever! 

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  1. I agree that community can be bigger than just the local one. I have really enjoyed getting to know the community of garden bloggers. As you say - we all have something we can share, or learn from each other.

  2. How true. Blotanical is not only fun, but a great social network of like-minded people.

  3. Joining blotanical was the right move for me :) I've met many wonderful garden bloggers and learnt much from the interactions. Thanks for posting this!

  4. Blotanical really is a terrific gardening community, and you have a lot to contribute! Seeing the guy working on the thatched roof is a small sample of what is out there in the great wide grading world.

    I wish you the best in the coming year. Happy gardening, 2012!

  5. I love exploring Blotanical too. Its great to be able to see what gardeners all over the world are growing. The only problem is that my list of things I want to grow keeps expanding as I see what other gardeners are harvesting.

  6. I really have enjoyed so many lovely blogs since I joined Blotanical earlier in the year, it's fab.
    Best wishes to you and yours for a happy New Year.

  7. Thank you for your kind comments, everyone.

    I find myself on Blotanical almost daily now, since our gardens are dormant in Michigan USA at this time of year. I love to "look out the Blotanical window" to see all of the flowers blooming elsewhere around the globe.

  8. Lovely to meet you on Blotanical too. It has been an interesting year my first as a blogger. Looks like you have enjoyed it too. Happy New Year and here's to an even better 2012:~)

  9. Greetings from Japan... thank you for dropping by my blog... and for suggesting that the plant in my blog may be bittersweet... I shall do some 'researching' and see... Happy 2012 to you...

  10. Debra,

    Thanks for your visit to WMG! I look forward to reading more about your garden this year & bumping into you on Blotanical too. I love classical English plantings in strong garden design, so it has been wonderful for me see some English gardens first hand also.

    Happy New Year,


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