
December 7, 2011

Butterfly Gardening A – F: Butterflies and their food plants

- by Debra Anchors

Baltimore checkerspot butterfly

To attract this butterfly:
Provide this food plant:

Alfalfa sulphur 
Alfalfa, Clover, Vetch
American copper
Everlasting, Sorrel, Dock
American painted lady 
Queen Anne's Lace
Anise swallowtail
Citrus trees, Parsley, Sweet fennel
Baltimore Checkerspot
White Turtlehead
Banded hairstreak
Black swallowtail 
Parsley, Queen Anne's Lace, Sweet fennel
Brown elfin 
Cabbage white
Cabbage, Broccoli, Winter cress
Checkered white
Cabbage, Broccoli
Clouded sulphur
Alfalfa, Clover, Senna
Elm, False nettle, Hackberry, Hops, Nettle
Common wood nymph
Grasses, Sedges
Dainty sulphur 
Marigold, Sneezeweed
Dog face
False Indigo
Eastern tailed blue 
Alfalfa, Clover, Vetch
European skipper
Grasses, Sedges
Eyed brown
Grasses, Sedges
Falcate orange tip
Winter cress
Fiery skipper
Grasses, Sedges

Enjoy this video of the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly

Butterflies and their food plants G - Q
Butterflies and their food plants R – Z
Butterfly life cycle
How to make a butterfly garden

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, thank you!!! We have only recently started butterfly gardening. We didn't have a lot of ideas, but I think now we will have a better idea of what to do... thanks to your posts! Thank you so much!


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