
November 26, 2011

Garden in the shade

- by Debra Anchors

Shade is a good thing. If you don’t believe it, take a look at the shade gardens reviewed by The Houston Chronicle. Nobody could complain about having to pull weeds or deadhead on a hot August afternoon in any of those peaceful spots.

There’s no mystery to gardening in shade. It’s a matter of understanding what kind of shade you have and choosing the right plants to go with it. In my shade guide, you’ll find out exactly what type of shade your garden has. But before you do that, how about a little inspiration?

Here is a list of 12 beautiful and easy-to-grow shade plants.

Coral Bells
Lady's Slipper
Martagon Lily

Offered below is a video containing more information about which plants to grow in the shade.

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  1. Hi Debra - A lovely selection of shade plants - some of which are new to me. Will have to check if I can get them here in South Africa :)

  2. What a lovely blog! Great to give those shade lovin beauties a moment in the sun.
    Big wave from Ireland:-)

  3. good info Debra- big difference between dry and damp shade. I also found the difference between survive and thrive thought provoking. cheers, catmint

  4. Your blog is interesting and well-designed, Debra, and I like the links to the videos. Most of my shade is very dry shade under trees, and few plants really thrive, even with deep weekly watering, so my shade plants need to be tough. Hellebores, Erigeron, common Violets and Ivy do well. Most of the plants in your lovely photos would suffer, but I still like to dream!

  5. Hi Debra, I really do enjoy your shade information. Your blog is very nicely done and very instructional with great info. I was interested to know that Lady Slippers live in shade. I have them in my house as house plants and they do pretty well blooming twice a year. I send the outside for the summer and that seems to keep them happy.

  6. Beautiful post and spotlight on shade plants..fabulous..all so gorgeous! Thanks so much for this inspiring post!
    Gorgeous photos too!

  7. Great post. I only have a couple shady areas. I wish I had more shade here, I love shade plants! Here in NC, a lot of plants that are for sun or part sun in more northern locations do better in part shade as well, so any part of the yard that gets shade is quickly getting crowded!

  8. I have Bleeding Hearts in my uncle Tyrone's farm. I met a guy there named Joaquin, who ironically broke my heart. That's why I planted some of them there. *sigh*

    Such is my sad love story. That is why I love flowers. They never leave you.


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